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All that and a bag of chips.

I have always found words fascinating. How they sound and flow, and what they mean. I often wonder how words and phrases came about. Did you know that annually words are added into the dictionary? Like the constitution, it is a living document. Some additions in recent years have been:

Muggle  n. In the fiction of J.K. Rowling: a person who possesses no magical powers. Hence in allusive and extended uses: a person who lacks a particular skill or skills, or who is regarded as inferior in some way.

Blamestorming  n. A method of collectively finding one to blame for a mistake no one is willing to confess to. Often occurs in the form of a meeting of colleagues at work, gathered to decide who is to blame for a screw up.

Gaydar  n. A homosexual person’s ability to identify another person as homosexual by interpreting subtle signals conveyed by their appearance, interests, etc.

Grrrl  n. A young woman regarded as independent and strong or aggressive, especially in her attitude to men or in her sexuality.

Threequel  n. The third film, book, event, etc. in a series; a second sequel.

Screenager  n. A person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers and the Internet.

There are more and more every year. They are words or phrases that are part of the American lexicon. They have been popularized by groups or individuals and begin to take on the meaning that that entity intended, I hear teenagers using the word “sick” in the way that we used to use cool. A few years ago “phat” was the “in” expression. We are an ever-changing culture and words and books reflect these things back to us. I’ve known people who try to learn a new word everyday, something I find quite admirable. We have a lot of books about word usage and origins, a veritable plethora! There is no doubt that finding a different way to say something will never go out of style. How else could you ever explain “the bees knees” or “the cat’s pajamas”. ROTFL.

Posted by Estel.