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Book Story of the Day

A Girl Scout named Star de Perez has created a Book Bank for her Silver Award Project, one of the highest awards in Girl Scouting.
“I love to read,” Star, a high school freshman, said. “I was raised on reading books and I wanted to bring that to others.”
She couldn’t imagine a home without books, but she knew that many children have no books in their homes, and are never taken to a library to borrow books. So she decided to set up a “book bank” at the Salvation Army  in her home town of St. Petersburg, Virginia. She asked friends, family, and everyone she met to donate new and used books to the project. After a year she had collected 1500 books, and an additional 500 books was contributed by Book Bank of Virginia.
Children will be allowed to take home free books from the book bank. (Better than a “money” bank!) Thanks to Star, these children will have books to enjoy in their own homes. To read more, go to this link.

Posted by Nancy, who thinks this is a great idea.