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Dia del Amor y la Amistad (Day of Love and Friendship)

El lunes va ser el Dia del Amor y la Amistad or Dia de San Valentin en Mexico.  In the U.S. February 14th, Monday will be  : Valentines Day.
In Mexico, it not just for lovers, but for friends – It’s time for people to show appreciation to people they care about , love and friendship play a big role on the 14th.”Te quero” (I like you) is said freely among  friends and family members “Te Amo: (I love you )is for a stronger feeling
I remember as a child alway looking forward to Valentine Day , as a day of love and just being happy and embracing life – I’ve alway thought that was Valentine Day.
And keeping in step with those feeling – Monday is the Library’s Centennial Celebration, Come on in and help us Celebrate!!!
Posted by: Margarita