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Did you know …..

I was reading an article in the Chico ER,   about the current exhibit at the Chico Museum “Amazing Grains: The story of Rice in California , its interesting that there are so many rice field in the local area as well as  ducks, geese .
It does seem like an interesting exhibit . The other thing I found very interesting, is that the Museum is celebrating its 25 th anniversary – did you know that the  Musuem used to be the Chico Library, it’s an old Carnegie library as is the Carnegie Community Center next door to this Library. The first time I went into the Chico Museum was 25 yrs  – their first show was an Art exhibit.
It’s a beautiful building and a great place to visit this summer  it located at 141 Salem St. Admission is $3.00 and $2.00 for seniors – Or go to their website:
Posted by:  Margarita