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Get Inspired!

Sometimes what makes the difference in reading a book is the mood you’re in. I often have 2 or 3 books going at a time because it depends upon my mood as to what I read at that particular time. It’s like when you are deciding which movie to watch, what are you in the mood for.

Often I find myself drawn to non-fiction, but then I want a change-up and want a novel. Something perhaps a little lighter.

The kind of book I want to talk about right now are books that move me. Maybe it’s a novel, but often not. I want to tell you about three of my favorites:

1. The Shack-by William Young. I know this has been around for a while, and it spent a lot of time on the best seller list. Yet I am always surprised at the amount of people that have not read this yet. I definitely recommend it. Very spiritual.

2. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. This book was wonderful, although it is very sad it is truly inspiring. Pick it up.

3. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It was so simple, yet [for me] extremely moving.

I have not really told you much about these books, because I want you not to have any expectations. Aside from the fact that I thought they were all awesome! Happy reading!

Posted by Estel.