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Glenn County Health and Human Services Updates

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Glenn County Health and Human Services Agency – HHSALike Page

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* New website for COIVD-19:
* New Glenn County Emergency Operations Center Press Release:…/PR%20Updated-%20GC%20EOC%20…
Increased Response Operations to COVID-19 in Glenn County
Willows, CA – Glenn County has activated the Emergency Operations Center to further coordinate a unified response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Glenn County and the surrounding communities continues to have NO confirmed cases, however, we have moved from preparedness and readiness to response operations due to community spread in other areas of California including the Sacramento region.
The Deputy Director of the Office of Emergency Services and the Glenn County Health Officer met today to coordinate and proclaim both a local emergency and a local health emergency. The proclamations will permit county officials to conduct actions to further protect the health and safety of our community.
The following changes will go in to effect tomorrow morning, March 17th at the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office:
– The office will be closed to the public (doors will be locked).
– If you need to redeem an impounded animal, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.
– CCWs and dog licenses will not be processed during this time.
– No visitation will be permitted at the Glenn County Jail.
If you need to place money on someone’s books, you can do so online. Please go to or call 530-934-6428 for more information.
The Probation Office will be closed to the public starting tomorrow morning, March 17th.
– There will be NO TESTING during this time and officers will conduct any necessary communications via phone.
If you have questions or concerns related to Probation, please call 530-934-6416 for assistance.
The revisions to public services at Sheriff’s Office and Probation will be reviewed and reassessed weekly to determine if it is safe to reinstate services.
We all have a role to play in decreasing the spread of this disease in our community. Social distancing is required to slow the spread of this disease to our community.
Glenn County Public Health, in accordance with the State of California guidance, is recommending:
– Home isolation of all seniors ages 65 years and older and those with chronic conditions.
– Mass gathering events of 50 or more should be rescheduled or cancelled
– People should maintain a distance of 6 feet from others at smaller gatherings and public places
– Bars, wineries, and breweries should close
– Restaurants should reduce occupancy by half to increase social distancing.
– Senior Nutrition Centers have been closed
– Visitation to care facilities for the elderly will be limited to essential activities and end of life for family members
– Public Health recommends school closures by Friday, March 20th. Each school that elects to close will provide a message to parents on their closure plan to include dates, continued education through distance learning, school meals etc. School closures will be reassessed by officials the week of April 13th.
The Glenn County Emergency Operations Center will coordinate essential resources to provide for continued services to vulnerable populations and healthcare facilities.
Residents are asked to practice social distancing and be patient and understanding during this difficult situation. Help us keep our community safe and healthy.
Glenn County now has a dedicated webpage for COVID-19 updates:
For additional information contact the Glenn County Public Health at 934-6588, Butte-Glenn 2-1-1, or access us on Facebook: Glenn County Health & Human Services Agency or Glenn County Sheriff’s Office.