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Great weekend to explore your backyard

This is supposed to be a weekend heat wise and a good time to be working in your backyard.The great thing about working at the library is that you see all those wonderful books on beautifying your backyard.
I notice we have a new book called “Backyard Bird Feeding Bonanza” by Jerry Baker. He is the author of about 5 other books and a DVD  that the library has in it’s collection  – His books deals a lot with how to battle bugs and how to grow the perfect perennials, annuals and vegetables.
And his newest one “Backyard bird feeding bonanza”- has some great recipes , turning a boring backyard into a lively bird sanctuary, these recipes are cheap and easy using ingredients like cornmeal, peanut butter , jelly and so much more .
In the back of the book there are color pictures of the different backyard birds and the different homemade treats, the  page numbers where the recipes is located in the book –  definitely a must read for bird watchers and people who love to have a beautiful backyard sanctuary.
Posted by: Margarita