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Heard any good books lately?

There is nothing like a good book when you are on the road. Have you ever listened to an audio book? We have hundreds of books on CD [and yes even cassette tape] that you might be interested in. When you are taking a long trip these books are real life-savers. We are fortunate that members of the community donate some of these, while Jody buys a few here and there [thanks Friends!]. I have listened to quite a few in my travels, sometimes you even want to keep going when you reach your destination, they are so good!. I really enjoy biographies on the whole, so I have checked out pretty much most of those that we have here. Some of the really good ones [I thought} were:

Truman – David McCullough

Born standing up -Steve Martin

My lucky life in and out of show business – Dick Van Dyke

Bossypants -Tina Fey

Walt Disney -Neal Gabler

Sinatra, the life -Anthony Summers

Teacher Man -Frank McCourt

Unbroken -Laura Hillenbrand -[about Louis Zamperini]

Things I overheard while talking to myself -Alan Alda

Team of Rivals -this is not really a biography, but it is about Lincoln and his cabinet. It is one of the best! Written by the incomparable Doris Kearns Goodwin.

I Feel bad about my neck -this was written by Nora Ephron, the extremely talented screenwriter. Sadly the world lost this wonderful talent just yesterday. If you are not familiar with her work she wrote When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Michael, You’ve got Mail and most recently Julie and Julia. She was so bright and funny.

I could go on and on. I just want to finish by saying if you are planning a summer vacation, or just have a long drive ahead, you should definitely check out a book on CD. It will make the drive much faster.

Posted by Estel