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Here comes the Sun

You know yesterday I was going to post my post , but it we raining so hard I couldn’t get into the Blog site.
But last nite about 7:00 pm there was a gorgeous full moon, lately  I’ve had an obsession with the moon -but do you notice those beautiful orange cloud floating and moving rapidly around the moon.
Well, on the Feb. 14th the sun produced a solar flare- which is a burst of radiation that was expected to reach the earth sometime last nite (Feb. 17) to even today the 18th. This was supposed to be a class X event , very powerful- but,  it didn’t get quiet that strong, even though some communication was knocked out in China.
If you go on the internet and google Solar flare you will see some beautiful pics – of the sun spurning liquid juices of fires.
There is so much beauty and mystery around us and what better place to learn more about it  – Hey , how about the Library!
Posted by Margarita