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Knit Your Own Royal Wedding

This Friday Prince William will marry Kate Middleton in a big royal wedding at Westminster Abbey in London. There will be pomp and pageantry, red carpets and royal coaches, trumpets and tiaras galore. If you love princesses and fairy tale weddings, this is the event for you.

And if you are a royal watcher and a knitter, you can actually knit your own royal wedding!  All the instructions you need are in a 64 page book titled Knit Your Own Royal Wedding, by Fiona Goble.  Click on the link to see more pictures of little knitted royal dolls.

Everyone is included, from Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Queen’s corgis. (Those are her dogs.)  You probably don’t have time to knit Will and Kate before the big day, but it’s fun to look at the cute little knitted dolls. And it just goes to show, there is a book for everything!

Posted by Nancy, who can’t knit a stitch.