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Microfilm Monday: 100 years ago in Orland- new high school and criminal captured

From the January 13th, 1913 edition of the Orland Unit
Vote for New H.S. Building

At meeting of trustees of the Orland High school, last Friday night, it was decided to call a bond election, within the next fourty days, for the purpose of issuing $40,000 for the errection of a new building on the present site of the Orland high school building. The trustees are negotiating, with the owners, to purchase all the ground situated in the block where the high school now stands, and if this plan materializes, it will give this institution much more room, having the entire block for building and grounds…

And for something a little more exciting…
From the January 17th, 1913 edition of the Orland Unit
St Clair is Captured

Word has been received that John St Clair, the murderer, and safe cracker, who has been hunted by the officer for the past month or two, has been captured at Roseburg Ore. Mrs. Archie Dietz, who was with St Clair, led to his identity. Mrs. Dietz, confessed telling of the crimes committed by St Clair, but says her husband, who was in jail at Red Bluff for a time is responsible for all of St Clair’s crimes. She does not explain how. St Clair is wanted for the murder of James Miller at Vina, the holding up trains and several post office robberies, the majestic saloon at Hamilton City, that was robbed, having their safe blowed, and taking about $1,500, is thought to be the doing of St Clair.

Posted by Jody