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Reading can reduce stress

The library is a great stress-reducer – Just walking down the rows of books has a way relaxing even the most stressed-out individual.
Reading is a good way to relax and reduce stress, a book can take you to different places – past , present,  future.  Fantasy/ Science Fiction  is a good way to get away from present stress.  Need a laugh, read a humorous book (817). Read self-help books (155-158-170) or read a great Biography (Next to our Audiobooks).
Stressed because you spend too much money eating out : Because you can’t cook! – learn to cook from a cookbook  (641-641.865).
Stress affects your concentration! So when you get in the library start slowly – we’re open  M,W,F: 11-6pm , T, Th: 11-7pm – Relax , breath slowly and  sit in one of our comfy chairs.
What’s a great medication that’s free with no side effect!
READING – It’s great for your health !!
Posted by : Margarita