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Brush up your knowledge!

If you love words as much as I do [and if you are reading this, it’s a safe bet], you have got to check out Michael Macrone. I first became aware of this author when I picked up Eureka, What Archimedes really meant and 80 other key ideas explained. It is the first book in the non-fiction section [001 M]. It has everything from philosophy to theology to science. From Original Sin and Occam’s Razor to The Oedipus Complex, the Collective Uncounscious and Deficit Spending. Whew! What a sweeping array of theories, ideas and formulas. The author makes explanations in a concise and fluid manner. It really is fascinating and really fun to read. They really are kind of a thumbnail sketch, but put forth in such a manner that if you wish you could pursue the manner by reading other books. At least now you know what is being talked about. Like any good writer it made me want to read more books by Him. Thankfully we have quite a few, here is a list:
Brush up your Bible! 220.6 M
Brush up your poetry! 821.008 M
Brush up your Shakespeare! 822.33 M
By Jove! Brush up your mythology. 292.13 M
Its Greek to me! Brush up your Classics. 422.481 M
So check them out, I really think you’ll be happy you did.
Posted by Estel.