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Do You Judge A Book By It’s Cover?

Yesterday, author Maureen Johnson had a great idea. She tweeted
“I do wish I had a dime for every email I get that says, “Please put a
non-girly cover on your book so I can read it. – signed, A Guy” – and so
came the idea for a challenge for her 77,000 followers. A challenge that she called Coverflip. Below, she explains more.

From this article- Coverflip: Maureen Johnson Calls For An End To Gendered Book Covers With An Amazing Challenge.
Be sure to check out the slideshow of book covers (at the end of the article) reimagined as if the author was of the opposite gender- they are pretty entertaining and eye-opening.  My favorites:
marriage plot1marriage plot2
game of thronesgame of thrones2
Posted by Jody (all of these books are available at the Orland Library)