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February -action packed month.

February is chock full of all kinds of celebrations. As Jody mentioned it is Love Your Library month.  It is very special for us here at the Orland Library as we are celebrating the Centennial with activities every day the week of February 14th. There are many recognized and some informal holidays in February. February is Black History month. It also contains the birthdays of our two greatest Presidents Abraham Lincoln on the 12th and George Washington on the 22nd. When I was a kid we used to get both birthdays off [from school], now they lump them together. Ahhh the good old days. There are also those “unofficial” holidays. Tomorrow is Groundhog’s Day where if the groundhog sees its shadow there will be six weeks of winter still to come. Then there is Valentine’s Day, celebrated on the 14th. I used to cal this SAD day [Single’s Awareness Day] because nothing makes you know how single you are, as Valentine’s Day. February 3rd is the Chinese New Year [this year]. This is the Year of the Rabbit, which according to any Chinese placemat I’ve ever seen is me! So, I’m kind of excited about that. Anyway,  for the shortest month of the year it has more going on than most. So Happy Black History, President’s Birthday, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, Groundhog’s Day and most importantly Love Your Library Month! OMG, I almost left off the most important non-holiday of all…Sunday is Superbowl! Go Packers! [gotta root for Aaron Rodgers], since the Niners are nowhere in sight. Well,  as the saying goes “There’s always next year”.
Posted by Estel