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Hey, whats going on?

I just recently got my flu shot, if it wasn’t for our local newspapers – which by the way are located here at the library (for free viewing) I wouldn’t have known when the clinic would be held.
Another important feature we have here at the Library is our Community Bulletin Boards , located at the main entrance of the library (Oh, by the way we have new glass door which makes entering the library – easier!) it tell you about up coming Library activities: Pumpkin carving, Children activities, as well as Community activities Blood Drives , Flu Clinics, Can Food Drives.
Also once your inside  the Library on your right hand side there is another Community Bulletin Board -that has postings of local medical services , bus schedules, and more.
So before you come in , and as you come in –  check out our Bulletin Boards and local newspapers.
Posted by Margarita