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Library thanks supporters

The Friends of the Orland Free Library want to express their deep gratitude to all who came to support our Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social and Band Concert the was held in Library Park on Aug. 29.

This was 27th time for this annual event. We owe a special thank you to county Supervisor Tracy Quarne for his assistance in locating some the special music groups that performed this year. Orland has some amazing talent that is better known elsewhere than here in our community. We were pleased to be able to introduce some of them to our local citizens.

This Ice Cream Social is one of the three major fundraising events each year that allow us to provide the extra funding needed to keep our library functioning so well in serving the citizens of our community. The other annual Friends of the Library events are our spring and fall book sales, which bring in 85 to 90 percent of the money we raise for the library.

The 2010 fall book sale is Sept. 20-25 in the Parish Hall of St. Dominic’s Catholic Church. We hope to see many of our citizens there.

Richard and Dorothy Brouse


Friends of the Orland Free Library