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Lions, and tigers and Hobbits oh my.

If the word on the street [or rather in the world of cyberspace] is anything to go by, we are soon to see some new movie projects.  According to multiple sources Peter Jackson [LOTR saga] will be directing The Hobbit. This is beyond exciting for all of us fans of the hugely popular Lord of the Rings movies. Those were so well done and if The Hobbit gets the same love and care,  we will be in for a major treat! The other exciting news is that Sam Raimi [Spider Man 1, 2 & 3] is going to be making a new Oz movie called Oz, the Great and Powerful. This new film will be a prequel, before Dorothy dropped into Oz, about how The Wizard got there. It’s rumored talks are going on with Robert Downey Jr. to play the great and powerful Wizard of Oz, [I think that would be fantastic!].  I do hope all these things come into fruition, that would be truly wonderful.

posted by Estel