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The Fall Classic!

What does fall [or autumn if you prefer] mean to you? Of course it’s a time of the changing of the seasons. Summer is ending and the days are getting shorter. For me fall has always meant two things. Football season and the run for the baseball playoffs. This year is a little bittersweet. I consider myself a major Giants fan and an even huger 49er fan. So, in case you don’t know, the 49ers are 0 and 2 [heavy sigh], but the Giants are making a run for the playoffs! Right now [today, anyway] the Giants are leading the NL West atop their division. Every day is so exciting and somewhat stressful. Things change practically on a day to day basis. Right now the Giants are first, the Padres are second and the Rockies are breathing down both their necks. It would be so sweet to see the Giants in the post season. I almost didn’t write this, because as [I believe] most fans are, I am somewhat superstitious. But, the way I am hoping things turn out this year it might be a huge year for both teams….Hmmm I could just see it: Giants in the World Series, and 49ers in the Super Bowl!! [ I could dream, can’t I?]. What are your favorite sports teams? You can always find out more about them in the Library. [Even if they are the dreaded Dodgers or the despised Cowboys]. We have books on many teams and also about the history of the World Series and Super Bowl. So come check it out, and Go Giants!