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The girl who loved Tom Gordon.

I just finished reading The Girl who loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King. I don’t normally read Mr. King, but recently I listened to The Gingerbread Girl on audiobook and was very taken with the story-telling style.
I decided to read one of his books. I hadn’t read a Stephen King novel since Carrie in high school. I am always afraid they [his books] will be too gruesome. I really do like scary, spooky stories, but I don’t like just gross! Anyway, this story was so compelling. It is about a 9 year old girl who gets lost in the woods. The Tom Gordon [of the title] is the closer for the Boston Red sox [of whom I know Mr. King has an especial fondness]. So there is some baseball incorporated into the story as well. I would really recomnend this book for anyone who just likes a good story.
Posted by Estel


  • Eric R.
    Posted August 3, 2011 7:37 am 0Likes

    Thanks for the recommendation Estel!

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