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Julie and Julia & the six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Have you heard of this game? It’s called the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Or Oracle of Bacon. According to the rules which you can check out on You take a given actor or actress and find a common link. For Meryl Streep who stars in the film Julie and Julia the common link is the film The River Wild. So she has a Bacon number of +1. By virtue of this fact Amy Adams who co-stars in the movie Julie and Julia would have a Bacon score of +2. Did you know Julie and Julia is based on two books? Julie and Julia : 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen by Julie Powell, and  My life in France by Julia Child. Both books are  available at the Orland Free Library. Try the Oracle of Bacon [and you can use it with different actors/actresses], it could be a lot of fun!

Posted by Estel