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Local History

As you go into the library you always think about checking out a book or viewing our video collection . But we have lots of  local history, one example old  Newspapers and microfilm:  Here’s a little Orland trivia for ya – did you know that at one time Orland had more than one Newspaper-oh, yes! :
The beginning: 1887 Orland News – In 1902 The Orland register and in 1911 The Orland Unit-yes!  two newspapers it wasn’t until 1962 the paper became The Orland Unit Register.
 In 1973 the birth of the Orland Daily Unit Register -yes!  We had a daily paper, then in 1981 The Orland Unit register and Orland Press – yes! again two papers
Then the death of the Orland Unit Register in 1982. In 1983,  The Press Register, Then 1989-to the present: Orland Press-Register for a little town we sure like to reinvent ourselves – so come on in and check out a bit of our local history
Posted by: Margarita